Education for Ministry (EfM)

"Every baptized person is called to ministry. The Education for Ministry (EfM) program provides people with the education to carry out that ministry...lay persons face the difficult and often subtle task of interpreting the richness of the church's faith in a complex and confusing world. They need a theological education which supports their faith and also teaches them to express that faith in day-to-day events."  - "About EfM", The Beeken Center

Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Bible and personal spirituality in a small-group seminar? Education for Ministry (EfM) provides a structured format for weekly study and practice.
Interested in learning more? Please contact Greg Albert at or Missy McCain at Our next curriculum year begins meeting in August 2023.

Helpful Links 

About Education for Ministry (EfM)

Registration Forms 

