Children, Youth & Families

The Children & Youth Ministry programs of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral serve, form, and empower young people as they develop spiritually as members of the body of Christ.
We nurture faith development within:
Ourselves…fostering a spirit of curiosity and knowledge of God’s love through worship, spiritual practices, and Christian formation.
The church…co-creating an inclusive, safe, and supportive community that walks with children, youth, and families from baptism to graduation; prioritizing meaningful connection and joyful fellowship.
With all of creation…providing opportunities for young people to serve and share the Good News in the wider world and participate in our shared common life.
Our Baptismal Covenant
We live into our baptismal covenant by respecting the dignity of every human being. We believe that everyone should feel welcomed and valued, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or socio-economic status. Our programs and events are designed to accommodate the needs of our participants, and we are committed to making our spaces as safe and as accessible as possible.
For children…
Nursery (4 and under)
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Nursery care is provided for our youngest parishioners (4 and under) from 9:00 a.m. through the 10:30 service on Sunday mornings and as needed during large parish events. The nursery has diaper changing and feeding areas for families who would like to use them.
Children’s Formation (K-5th grade)
Upstairs Classroom
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
Children’s Formation this year will be a “one-room schoolhouse” model for elementary age children that uses storytelling, songs, prayer, and creative expression to invite children into a deeper understanding of their inherent relationship with God. Using Godly Play and Catechesis storytelling methods, children will explore scripture, the teachings of Jesus, and different sacraments and parts of our liturgy with time for response and creative reflection. We invite you to “come and see.”
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
During the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist
Liturgy of the Word is an opportunity for young children (6 and under) to engage more deeply in worship at a developmentally appropriate level. During “chapel time” they will hear the Gospel story, sing, pray and reflect together. They return to church during The Peace, in time for communion. Parents are welcome to join their children during chapel time.
For youth…
Sunday Lunch Bunch (6th -12th grade)
SECOND Sundays, following church until 1 p.m.
Gather in Morrison Hall
Following church, youth are invited to stay for lunch, check-in, and formation activities such as games, discussion, occasional service projects and more! We will eat in Morrison Hall then head to the Youth Center.
September 8: Fall Kickoff Brunch
October 13
November 10
December 8
For parents and caregivers…
Parent Formation
Upstairs Library
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
An informal class for anyone caring for children in your life, this group meets to discuss topics facing families today through readings and discussion. This group intends to be a place of support and encouragement, understanding that children and youth are formed when the adults in their life also have deep faith and participation in spiritual community. To learn more, contact Emma Mitchell (
New Parent Ministry & Pastoral Care
We are here to be a supportive community to one another, in times of new life and in times of need. For those welcoming children into your home, interested in baptism, or wanting to know more about the church, staff and clergy are always available for pastoral conversation. Reach out via phone or email to Emma Mitchell, Children & Youth Minister
( to facilitate a time to meet.
Ongoing Children & Youth Programs
For all…
Annual Events
Throughout the year we offer several events for fellowship and fun amongst families and parish members of all ages! These events rely on volunteer support, check out upcoming opportunities to volunteer here:
Blessing of the Backpacks and ECEP Sunday
Fall Kickoff
Advent Wreath Event
Christmas Pick-Up Pageant
Twelfth Night S’mores and Burning of the Greens
Mardi Gras
Easter Egg Hunt
Recognition Sunday/Parish Picnic
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
For youth…
Acolyte Program (5th - 12th grade)
Sundays & other special services
Youth acolytes faithfully serve at our Sunday morning Eucharist and other special services. Their role includes serving at the altar, carrying processional crosses, torches, and banners, and lighting candles. New acolytes are trained and commissioned in the early fall. Interested in acolyting? Contact Otis Howe, Acolyte Master & Verger (
Convocational Youth Events & EYCollab
Each month this fall, we will offer opportunities to gather with other youth from around Central AR. Youth from all parishes are invited to grow, learn, and serve in a supportive and inclusive environment. We have fun together while exploring our faith journeys through various activities. Mark your calendars for the dates below!
Fall 2024 Youth Events:
Sunday, August 25 Back-to-School Bowling @ Professor Bowl, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Friday, September 27 Dinner @ St. Margaret’s + Caravan to AYE Weekend @ Camp Mitchell, 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 19 Episcopal Booth Hangout at PRIDE @ Downtown North Little Rock, 12 – 2 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30 EYC Halloween @ St. Mark’s, 6 p.m.
Saturday, November 16 EYCollab Study Break @ Neverwhere Coffee (Rodney Parhahm) 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Meal Service (Time/Location TBD)
Sunday, December 15 Snowball! (Annual Christmas Party) @ Christ Church, 4 – 6 p.m.
For children…
Koinonia Wednesdays
First and third Wednesdays of the month
St. Cecelia Choir (Pre-K - 1st grade) 5 p.m.
Children are invited to come make a joyful noise and begin learning the basics of music and choral singing!
Community Dinner 5:30 p.m.
Entree provided by the church. Families are encouraged to sign up to bring a side, salad or dessert. Dinner is free, donations are welcome! Sign up to help with dinner support.
Koinonia Worship (Cathedral) 6 p.m.
The Koinonia Eucharist is family-friendly and provides a time for young people to experience the Eucharist up close. Children participate in every aspect of worship which takes about half an hour.
ECEP Chapel
Pierce Chapel
Thursdays, 9 – 9:30 a.m.
Children in the 3’s and 4’s classes attend weekly chapel to sing, hear a Bible story, and pray together. Parents and caregivers are always welcome to join us.
Other Offerings
Chorister Program
Trinity Choristers (2nd-8th grade*)
Wednesdays, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Open to all children interested in learning to sing sacred music. Participants will develop their musical, interpersonal, and cognitive skills as they learn to work in a team environment to serve the church and community through music. Weekly rehearsals, and occasional singing for Sunday morning and special services. For more information contact Colin MacKnight, Director of Music (
*Once youth enter high school, they are eligible to sing with the Cathedral Choir which rehearses Thursday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The Choral Scholars Fund provides stipends for Sunday morning singing through this program.
Baptism & Confirmation
If you/your child are interested in Baptism or Confirmation, we would love to discuss that with you! Baptisms are celebrated regularly during Epiphany, Easter Vigil, Pentecost/Trinity Sunday, All Saints, but other days are available depending on your family’s schedule. Baptism preparation is offered for parents and godparents. Adults desiring baptism are instructed individually.
Confirmation is offered for baptized persons who are ready to make “a mature public affirmation of faith” and receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop. Confirmation preparation is in the spring semester prior to the Bishop’s visit in May/June.